More Mad Dog Photos and Memorabilia
Lt. Bill
Cowan, aka Plastic Handle 6, Hartford 3A and Gator 24; Rung Sat Special Zone,
April 69-Aut71. This is the Marine Advisor that was stationed at Nha Be and with
him and the famous Greyhounds and Mad Dogs, they made up a TEAM that couldn't be
beat! Lt. Cowan admired the Greyhounds for going into tight LZ's and for ALWAYS
going in to get him and his men out; he admired the Mad Dogs and Charlie Charlie
for flying low and slow so he could engage the enemy. The 240th respected Lt.
Cowan because if we found the enemy before him, he and his South Vietnamese
Marines would head for the thick of the battle!

Left to
Right-CW2 Joe Long (Future Mad Dog 37), CW2 Willie Mittelstadt-Mad Dog 34, Spec
4 Joe White-Mad Dog Gunner and CW2 Gary Rolfe-Mad Dog 36. The next day this Mad
Dog Gunship, tail #589, was shot down with Mad Dog AC Richard Jadlowski at the
controls and Joe White doorgunner. Jadlowski broke his back and Mad Dog 34,
Willie Mittelstadt, pulled him from the wrecked aircraft, approximately July of
Photo courtesy of Mad Dog Joe and Mary White.

Mad Dog 16 Mike
Forrester and Mad Dog Aircraft Commander Don Wallace sending a Xmas Greeting of
Peace for 1968!
(Photo sent in by Mad Dog 16 Mike Forrester)

Dave DeWitt,
future Mad Dog, in country less than a month with Company A, 27th Combat
Engineer Bn. Dave was 19 years old at the time this picture was taken, August of

Here is Dave
DeWitt with the Mad Dogs after transferring from the 27th Engineer Bn. Dave's
Dad had this picture stuck on the wall at his place of employment, his Dad was
so proud Dave served in Vietnam, Dave was and is still proud for what he did.
Here's Tom
Schuckman, 240th AHC Greyhound Doorgunner from White Flight, getting ready to
open up with his M60 as the flight approaches the LZ to unload the ground troops
on board. Thanks, Tom, for sending the picture.
Kennel Keepers, Greyhounds